Alchemical Press

Module 2: Road Trip

The Quest Continues!

Having successfully defended Braeford from rat raiders and gaining experience adventuring as mice, your party is ready to undertake a road trip to Lake Town, where the thief who stole the only relic was last seen heading. You have also been tasked with carrying important dispatches from Captain Hamish and delivering them to the town’s mayor and garrison commander.

Along the way, the party will face perilous wilderness encounters, make tough decisions about which route to travel, and test their mettle against dangerous creatures lurking at every corner. Whether journeying along the forest road or braving the West River to Portal Lake, the choices your party makes will define the course of their adventure.

As the DM you are provided with numerous options in how to direct the party’s travels and can easily add additional material of your own. Role-playing opportunities abound with a rich set of ready-to-play NPCs, new monsters, new magic items, and custom spells.

Note: It is also possible to play this adventure directly without having completed Module 1: A Miraculous Mousy Metamorphosis!

Dynamic Wilderness Adventure

This is no straightforward mission. Road Trip offers multiple pathways to Lake Town, each filled with exciting encounters, including ambushes, tricky rivers, and dangerous creatures. Choose your path carefully—each route comes with its own set of challenges!

Non-linear Gameplay

Unlike many linear adventures, Road Trip is filled with random wilderness encounters and role-playing opportunities, giving the Referee flexibility to tailor the journey to the players’ choices. There’s no one way to reach your destination!

New NPCs and Items

Meet a rich cast of new NPCs, uncover magical items, and make allies (or enemies) along the way. Whether assisting a trail repair crew or outsmarting bandits, Road Trip provides countless role-playing and combat opportunities.

Unique Mouse Heroes

In the world of Perils of Portal Lake, size matters! With your characters transformed into mice, ordinary animals become epic foes. This adventure will challenge your party’s ingenuity and courage as they face off against predators, navigate treacherous waters, and find their way through dense wilderness.